Individual home pages
The Association for the Development of the Person Centered Approach. The official site of the Association, details of how to join the Association,
contains a growing list of papers about the approach from authors with
international reputations, some of whom were Roger's colleagues, and more. (Written 13 Jul 1998, updated 2 May 2011)
The rapidly
growing site of the British Association for the Person Centred Approach.
Sign up with the Association, read papers, see a directory of Person Centred
Counsellors & Supervisors and read their news letter and much more. (Written
13 Jul 1998, undated Jun 2007). Now, in 2011, this site is coming old and tired. A small team of people - led by me, is revamping. So exciting changes to come! (May 2011)
The idea of ??creating a space for the development of PCA was an old dream of Roger Buys, one of the pioneers in Brazil, this dream was realized in January 1975 by the founding team consists of five psychologists: Magali Dorfman, Marcia Alves Tassinari Mary Alice Lustosa de Abreu, Rogério Christiano Buys and Teresa Cristina CB Wagoner, who continued working together until 1990, when Mary Alice and Teresa Cristina were to develop your own projects. (Site in Portuguese. May 2011)
A "local group" (near London) of the British Association for the Person-Centred Approach. (May 2011)
Network of European Associations (for Person-Centered and Experiential Psychotherapy and Counseling). This is a European Association of Associations. (May 2011)
(PCAN) exists to provide opportunities for people to experience temporary Person-Centred Communities. The gatherings are not led or facilitated and have no formal structure except for conditions required by the venue e.g. meals. (Dec 2002). Still pretty much the same now in May 2011.
A Scottish Association of Person Centred Therapists. Includes a directory of Therapists. (17 May 2001) They are looking for new members, so if you are resident in Scotland and have (or are having) a solid Person Centred training follow this link & get in touch. (Oct 2002). Now in May 2011 - over 2m visitors.
Portuguese Association for Person Centred Psychotherapy and Counselling's Review) The review is called A Pessoa como Centro - Revista de Estudos Rogerianos (The Person as Centre - Review of Rogerian Studies) and has the Portuguese and English abstracts of the published articles. This site is still expanding. (Written 21 Nov 1998 - site address updated 16 Oct 2001) The site is in Portuguese and English (Sept 05). Reviewed (May 2011) |
But what if I don't speak on of Switzerland's official languages? View site in Chrome and hit the "translate" button - I don't want any more sill excuses! I'm glad they changed the logo, I didn't understand the old one. (may 2011)
The aim of the Network is to provide a European-wide forum for those professionals in science and practice who
The World Association for Person Centered & Experiential Psychotherapy & Counselling. There is a lot of stuff on this well designed site. (May 2011). |